Pics and Listen
Snow arr M Brymer Christmas Concert December 2024

Singing at the Camellia Botnar Christmas Fayre - December 2022

October 2022 - 20th Anniversary Concert, Steyning Centre

Somebody to Love concert with Vocal Fusion Acapella, Lindfield Nov 2022

St Mary's House Bramber.
A bit of a damp afternoon for a concert in the beautiful gardens.
A bit of a damp afternoon for a concert in the beautiful gardens.

Wiston House

For John

Sea Shanty Workshop and social, shared with Vocal Fusion Acapella, at Dial Post Village Hall July 2022

A fond farewell to our dear friend, treasurer and Basso Profundo, Peter after 20 years of singing with Kaleidoscope, he, his big bottom notes and cheeky comments, will be sorely missed.
(July 2022)
(July 2022)

Kate had composed and arranged a surprise song "For Peter" which we think he enjoyed and actually made him speechless, for a short while.

Those socially distanced rehearsals

A Summer Social

Happy Birthday Zoe